ADEPT is the voice of place directors who are responsible for providing day to day services including local highways, recycling, waste and planning. ADEPT members are at the very heart of delivering clean sustainable growth, tackling climate change at a local level. We manage the projects that are fundamental to creating more resilient, inclusive and safe communities, economies and infrastructure.
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Webinar event - how can devolution deliver on environmental ambition?The Blueprint Coalition - an influential group of local government organisations, environmental groups and research institutions - hosted a webinar on 11th September 2024, focused…
Hello everyone! As we move into September, I hope you've all had a chance to enjoy some summer sunshine and recharge your batteries.You will be aware that the government issued a number of policy announcements and announced the spending review…
Joseph Kimberley, Innovation Manager from Colas gives an update on the UK Centre of Excellence for Decarbonising Roads’ South Campus and how their Live Labs 2 project is progressing.So far, the ADEPT Live Labs 2 programme has been exciting,…
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