ADEPT is a forward thinking organisation, supporting transformation and innovation. We work closely with corporate partners at all levels to develop the policies and initiatives we take to Government.
With the devolution of powers to local government as well as a changing relationship with the EU, it’s never been more important to have strong partnerships.
Anthony Payne, ADEPT President 2023/24
"Working with our corporate partners is an ADEPT priority. We all recognise and understand the importance of partnership working across the public, private and community sectors in shaping our places. Working collectively to find creative solutions and develop appropriately skilled professionals, is best done in partnership. Working with our corporate partners allows to us to shape the future."
We invite you to work with us as members and help shape the future.
Corporate Partner membership benefits:
- Networking opportunities with ADEPT and like-minded organisations, regionally and nationally
- Opportunities to participate in research and development programmes such as Live Labs
- Opportunities to present to the ADEPT membership via the monthly Lunch & Learn sessions
- Complimentary ticket to the Spring Conference and the Annual Dinner & Awards Ceremony (16 May 2024, London)
- Complimentary full two-day residential package for the Autumn Conference (21 & 22 Nov 2024, Bristol)
- All other tickets at the ADEPT Members' discounted rate
- Listing on the ADEPT website with a link to your own corporate site
- Listing as a Corporate Partner in the ADEPT Annual Review
- Use of the ADEPT Corporate Partner logo
- ADEPT membership certificate
- ADEPT monthly newsletter and other publications
In addition, we offer many opportunities for sponsorship and promotion.
Scott Wardrop, Chief Executive, Ringway Infrastructure Services Ltd
“Ringway has found that working on challenging strategic issues with ADEPT helps our organisation be a more effective Local Authority partner. We recently worked with ADEPT on 'Managing Demand' in a controlled way. This helped us appreciate some of the hard decisions that Local Authorities face, but also how such a strategy can actually increase local awareness and participation giving greater community engagement.”
Jason Pavey, Managing Director, UK Transportation, Atkins
"At Atkins, we believe that working as a corporate partner of ADEPT provides real benefits. It enables us to collaborate with ADEPT members and our local authority clients; it also helps us develop a deep understanding of the challenges faced by the sector in planning, designing and delivering innovative solutions. Solutions that enrich the lives of citizens and result in tangible improvements to the public realm."
The Corporate Partner Membership fee is £5,350 per annum. A flyer summarising the benefits of membership can be downloaded here. Our corporate partner membership is currently full; if you would like to join the waiting list, please contact [email protected].